Thanksgiving, 2004 (November 27, 2003 2PM) Oil on linen, 2' x 2' Thanksgiving is one of two holidays a year that we celebrate with traditional food and the entrees seldom change. In 2003 we lived in different cities so we would normally take the entire week off because Sandra’s birthday falls during Thanksgiving week. Thanksgiving week also marked the transition from spending weekends and holidays in Maryland to New York. The traditional style for our Thanksgiving meal is “deep south” to include the names of the dishes served. At Thanksgiving dinner we do not serve stuffing, it is “dressing”, made from corn bread, hardboiled eggs, giblets, and sautéed veggies, not stuffed in the turkey, but rather a side dish served with giblet gravy. The sweet potatoes are called “candied potatoes,” the mashed potatoes are “creamed potatoes”, and the pie is “egg”, not custard. Most of the recipes have been passed down through the family, handwritten on odd pieces of paper filed in a folder, and very few of the ingredients have been changed to meet today’s healthier life style cooking. Like most home style traditional Thanksgiving meals, it would spoil the meal if you counted the calories and fats, or as the chefs on TV says “what can it hurt if you only eat this a couple times a year?” We wish. Fred May Egg Pie, 2004 (November 27, 2003 3PM) Oil on linen, 2' x 2' |